
Our Live Cohort runs 2025


Thinking about enrolling? Researching your options?  Wondering if this program is the right one for you?


(Keep Reading. Here you'll find all the info, and real reviews, & insight so you can make the best decision for you and your family. Zero Pressure. No fake urgency. No inflated Numbers.)

Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School Reviews & Testimonials

with Emily Reagan


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Megan landed her first client before she even finished the program!


“Jumping on to say thank you, Emily, for creating this amazing course! I have been doing social media management, email marketing, and a couple of other contract jobs since leaving full-time employment to stay home with my kids in 2017. The clients and the work were ok the past few years, but I always knew I wanted/needed to level up somehow and this course did it for me!

I hadn’t even finished the course or launched my biz before I had my first paying client at $25/hr just by telling a friend about the skills I have honed in this class. I can’t wait to see what the future brings as I fully launch my business.

Thank you for sharing your incredible skills and experience — you are changing lives by giving moms like me confidence, new direction, and the ability to earn income while living the flexible life I’ve always dreamed of.

—Megan Casper
former Speaker's Bureau Event Manager,
now Digital Marketing Unicorn

Adria landed her first client within two weeks… And three more soon after!


I will be forever grateful for Emily's guidance! I'm a lifelong entrepreneur and have successfully owned and operated my own brick-and-mortar businesses for over 20 years. I've also mentored and supported other entrepreneurs when starting their businesses and throughout their entrepreneurial journey — that’s why I knew without hesitation that UDMA would be an answered prayer to learn from her, so that I could learn exactly how to support business owners in a virtual capacity.

I was excited to develop the digital freelancing skills that many brick-and-mortar and online business owners needed! 

Emily's program is truly what successfully set me on my path to exceeding the goals I had set for myself.  Within the first two weeks of joining her program, I landed my first client. 

Her program gave me the confidence and knowledge to put myself out there and offer digital marketing services to potential clients within the first month of joining UDMA.

After the first client, I was immediately able to confidently schedule three more discovery calls and was given the opportunity to work with all three of them!  

I'm so grateful for all the opportunities I've gained from learning from Emily. She opened so many doors for me and showed me all the possibilities through UMDA!”  

Adria Boyd
Brick and Mortar Business Owner
now Director of Operations & Online Business Manager

Angela used her digital marketing skills to start a business where she could travel more


“I was feeling stuck with the business I had created. The course helped me make the transition from the business I had to the business I wanted to grow. The individual trainings inside the course were awesome because they gave me confidence to jump into areas I wasn’t familiar with yet.

Since taking the course, I’ve signed several clients and I love the variety and freedom!”

Angela Kiszck
10-year e-commerce site owner
Digital Marketer & Funnel Tech

Stephanie is making an extra 2K a month — while homeschooling!


“My initial goal was to make $1,000 a month. With the course, I reached my goal within 3 months and have been consistently hitting $2K months for over a year. As a homeschooling mom, balancing work and family life is a top priority and Emily’s program has helped me make it happen.”

Stephanie Cutter
homeschooling stay-at-home mom 
now Kajabi Specialist

Claudia doubled her pay and works half the time she used to with no commute!


“When I started Emily’s course, I was an underemployed and underpaid property manager making $14/hr in Miami.

My original goal was to replace at least half of that income. What I achieved was more than I had ever expected. Now, I charge $30-35/hr, work half of the time I did in my 9-5, have a schedule that moves around my family’s needs, and get to pick who I want to work with. My only regret is not having started sooner!

—Claudia Bretz
former property manager, milspouse, engineer degree
Digital Marketing Assistant & Online Summit Manager
Listen to Claudia's story

Click here for shownotes.

I have new, established clients AND the added confidence I needed to believe in the skills I already had to support other business owners!


“Emily’s course helped sharpen my existing skills and also taught me new ones. Wanting to take charge of my career journey has always been in the back of my mind, but I just needed the encouragement to actually take ownership of it! 

Since completing UDMA, I confidently offer my services to others and have established new clients who appreciate the value I bring.

I already miss the homework and our weekly lessons! The layout of the coursework and the walk-through each week brought so much excitement and clarity to what I was learning. To be in a network with like-minded people all yearning to LEARN was a wonderful experience that I can’t speak highly enough about!”

—Jennifer Scherzinger
 Hospice Liaison
now Digital Marketing Assistant

Crystal gained confidence to rejoin the workforce after being a stay-at-home mom for 12 years


"I never would have had the courage to just flat out offer digital marketing services after being a stay-at-home mom for 9 years!"

I now have four clients, and I have a volunteer spot with my local food pantry keeping their website updated. This course was definitely a confidence booster and helped me realize how much help out there is needed and how people are willing to pay for that help!”

Update: Crystal used freelance marketing for the last 3 years to get back into work, brush up her skills, and fill her resume. It allowed her to stay stay-at-home with her three girls. She recently took on a full-time job using her engineering degree. She's baaaack!

"Stepping down all those years ago for fam was the toughest, scariest, most necessary decision I have ever made. It  was a most humbling experience. Thank you, Emily, you've been a major blessing."

—Crystal Morissette
former industrial engineer, stay-at-home mom of 3, milspouse
digital marketing assistant
FT Engineer 

Marci took her email marketing skills to the next level and left her 9-5 for the RV life!


“When I found UDMA School, I was a part-time VA offering email marketing services and working a 9-5. I was ready to take my business full time, but wanted to freshen up my skills and learn new ones first. 

This course was exactly what I needed! It took my email marketing skills to the next level, and now I’m offering other in-demand digital marketing services with the skills I learned. Because of the confidence, I gained from this course, I left my 9-5!

Emily’s vibrant energy in teaching the course made learning fun, and she gives you all the support you need throughout the entire experience!”

Marci Sanders
former Project Consultant
now Email Marketing & Tech Specialist
Listen to Marci's story of quitting her 9-5

Click here for shownotes.

I covered my cost by the time I finished — and I freaking LOVE the work I’m doing!


“I was so inspired by Emily’s podcast that after consuming a handful of episodes, I jumped right into podcast assisting for a friend of mine using my past business experience. That first month I made around $250 — and the next month I joined Emily’s course. After that, my confidence grew each week right along with my income!

I kept working my usual job, but added assisting work here and there in my downtime and worked from home a lot. I doubled my income in March and tripled it in April! At the same time I completed her course, I had made just over $3000 as a freelancer. It covered my cost for the course and today, I freaking love the work I’m doing and the really cool opportunities it has opened up for me in my life!”

UPDATE: Andrea officially closed her nail salon and went all in with a digital marketing agency so she has more flexibility for her family life!

Andréa Pettingill
former nail salon owner
now digital marketing specialist
Listen to Drea's story about make $50/hr as a nail tech and how she quickly raised her marketing rates

Click here for shownotes.

Marilee was able to quit teaching AND replace her income a year sooner than she thought.


“I had a goal when I started Emily’s Course to transition from teaching into working for myself from home as a digital marketing VA. My hope was to accomplish this by the end of the 20/21 school year. However, due to the utter fabulousness of all that I’ve learned and the job ops posted in this group, I am accomplishing that goal one year early!

I will get to work from home and have a flexible schedule, which will allow me more time with my husband and three sweet kiddos. I am thrilled beyond words - and as grateful as I can be!! We unicorns are pretty magical. 🦄 🥰

Marilee Haynes,
former 5th grade language arts teacher
now copywriter a 7-figure online business
Listen to Marilee's story how she quit her teaching to be with her kids and quickly replaced her income 

Click here for shownotes.

What Hiring Managers & Business Owners are Saying

Why Ange (and many other hiring managers) hire digital marketing assistants from our unicorn workgroup first


“The one thing I look for when I hire a new VA is their ability to know platforms, strategies, and what's going on in the industry. Too often VAs don't know what they're doing. We want to hire a VA who has some experience and training, and a training program to fall back on or a great mentor to ask questions to. 

If you're thinking about taking Emily's course, she knows her stuff. She knows what's going on in the industry, she's worked with all the different platforms. She's an excellent mentor... There are courses that teach you how to build your own business as a VA, but they don't supplement with training on how to do things. If you're coming in as a service provider and you're gonna do the doing, it's really important that you know how to do the doing...

You will get further by investing in yourself with this program and learning what you can do and provide to your clients. 

—Ange Quinn, Hiring Manager & Director of Operations of The Ops Builder


I want to lay it out for you and make your research easy and clear.

Course Promise: 

Learn the core digital marketing foundations, strategies, and tech skills you need to become the secret weapon behind every online entrepreneur on the rise.

Launch your digital service business and build out assets while you learn the marketing services.


Course Price:

The Self Starter UDMA School is $1997 or 3 payments of $750. Enroll here.

*I offer a pay-in-full bonus because there are extra costs associated with payment plans.


The Live Program is $2997 with a 6-month payment plan. The live program includes shared job opportunities, additional live Q&As, guest speakers, and asset reviews, plus a 6-month membership into the Digital Marketer's Workgroup after completion. Want to be first notified when the doors open? Get on the waitlist here.


Live Course Start Date: 

TBD. We're not sure when the next live UDMA School program starts again. Get on the waitlist to be notified!

How is the self-study different?

The self-study UDMA School is enrolling continuously and is ideal for anyone who wants to learn marketing services and set up their business NOW. The first two modules are dripped out over two weeks, then each module unlocks as you make progress so you can complete the modules at your own pace. This includes recorded guest experts, the Freelance Biz Kickstarter to set up the backend of your business, and an opportunity to submit questions for Emily to record answers.

Good for:

  • Business Owners who want to sponsor and upgrade their VA into a marketing VA; who don't need job leads
  • Admin VAs who are already dabbling in marketing services
  • Self-starters who don't need a lot of hand-holding or accountability or don't want to show up for zoom calls (you can still ask questions!)

Once you completed the curriculum, you'll be invited to join our Digital Marketer's Workgroup where you'll get additional support, community, resources, and job leads to get your business going and revenue flowing.


Course Length:

The live program takes 12 weeks to complete, with holiday breaks and implementation weeks: 16 weeks.

Count on 1-2 hours a week for watching the main strategy lesson and less than one hour to implement your business homework.

The self-study school timeline can be massively shortened. We've had some students plow through it, others take more time with life's circumstances. 

Either way, you have lifetime access.


Course Contents:

Modules cover: Online Business 101, Email Marketing, Funnels, Website Updates, Blogging & SEO, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, AI Tools, and Working inside your Business. Each module covers strategy, tech and workflows with templates, cheatsheets, and tracking sheets.

Bottom line: this is not just a basic business setup course. You will learn how to do the marketing work and be able to think on your toes and adapt to different clients' businesses.

Bonuses: Facebook Community Manager Workshop ($197) and the Freelance Biz Kickstarter ($297) to help you set up your business and understand the process of booking clients from portfolio to sales calls to contracts. 

Recorded Guest Bonus Trainings*: Aino Horsma's Social Media + PDF Graphic Design Training, Recorded calls with confidence coach Jen Gross, sales coach Tracie Patterson, speaker coach Heather Sager and dashboard/Google Analytics pro, Ange Quinn.

*In the live program, we bring in extra guest speakers to talk about boundaries, confidence in pricing, and time management. These are only included in the live session and are not necessary for your success.


Course Afterwards: 

If you complete the modules of UDMA School you will be invited to apply for our Digital Marketer's Workgroup - a referral community to continue learning marketing and building your business. This is an exclusive membership that opens twice a year with a vetted application process. All students must complete the core training module strategy lessons and have their business set up and ready to take on clients. 

For live program students, a 3-month membership is included in the fee.

For self-study students, you will have a backdoor opportunity to join so you have the continued support system and job leads to make this business profitable and sustainable. 

It is NOT a requirement to be in the membership. You can be successful without this membership.

There are no hidden fees for renewals and certifications that other programs charge.

If you decide you want to join the next live cohort of UDMA School because you like the accountability, and live energy and want to revisit the core training, alumni get a steep discount ($447 in 2023). I do not charge hundreds or thousands to come back, like other programs.



Hi, I'm Emily Reagan a military spouse and mom of four with a journalism/electronic media bachelors and Masters in Business Administration. As a military spouse, I've worked many in-person jobs related to journalism, public relations, and marketing. My last full-time position was as Communications Director at the Arts Council for Oklahoma City. Due to the craziness of military life and having children, I started freelancing with PR and marketing skills so I could be at home, use my brain, and still make money. Technically my first freelance client was in 2006, with my first social media & PR retainer client started in 2009. I worked with Jennifer Allwood from 2013-2019. Since then I've worked with an impressive roster: Miss Mustard Seed, Dixie Belle Paint Company, Sage Polaris, Rachel Mazza, Copy Chief, Meg Yelaney, Natasha Pherson, and Ashleigh Chanel to name a few.

Why am I telling you this? Because of two major things:

I was never an admin virtual assistant. I don't teach admin. I assume you've had a real job, and can figure out how offices work: ie: calendars & scheduling, inbox management, office systems, workflows and communication, and customer service. That's not my jam. 

In my programs, I'm teaching you the freelance marketing work I did myself and still do. There are too many coaches out there who are new on the scene, only did it once, or learn that the only way to make $$$$$$$ is to scale and teach others. It irks me that some of these bigwig coaches teaching Pinterest courses for example haven't even touched their own Pinterest accounts for 6+ years. They've hired it out. I prefer to learn from the person who is doing the work and knows what they're talking about. I really pride myself that I'm in the trenches with you.

Stalk me out on all the socials:
@emilyreaganpr or check out my podcast at unicornsunitepodcast.com


See what you will learn:


What is my potential earning income as a digital marketing assistant?

I teach my DMAs to start at no less than $25/hour and quickly raise their rates with each client. If you come to the table with previous related experience start at $30-45/hour.

You can do the math based on your capacity.

Marketing services are easily packaged into project work and VIP Day Rates.
Inside the program, I cover what services you could offer, how long it will take you, and we share more on rates and packages.



What kind of tasks could I do as a Digital Marketing Assistant?

As a level one assistant you can help with any number of ongoing inbound marketing tasks: sending the weekly email, making updates to websites, scheduling social media posts, setting up digital products, basic graphic design, video editing, content management, podcast publishing, blog formatting, live webinar support, launch support, pitching to podcast hosts and media, etc. You can always add in customer service and admin support and project management as needed. The bottom line: you are an independent contractor you set your rates and services with your clients. 


What kind of jobs to you share?

We get a mix of marketing-related job openings from: course creators, membership site owners, coaches, service providers, influencers, bloggers, e-commerce site owners and subscription box owners.

A majority of the positions are for an ongoing- retainer, long-term teammate. We do get project requests too.

In March 2023 we shared 80+ jobs with our community of just over 100 members, most of who are booked out.

You can do the math on your potential ROI from my job leads alone.


Questions to ask before you join any VA program:

What am I actually learning?

Can I google this?

What kind of support?

When was the last time the curriculum was updated?

Does the instructor do this work herself/himself/theirself?

Are there hidden fees or programs I have to buy after?

How many people are in the program at once? How many are in the Facebook group?


Hi, I'm Emily Reagan a military spouse and mom of four with a journalism/electronic media bachelors and Masters in Business Administration. As a military spouse, I've worked many in-person jobs related to journalism, public relations, and marketing. My last full-time position was as Communications Director at the Arts Council for Oklahoma City. Due to the craziness of military life and having children, I started freelancing with PR and marketing skills so I could be at home, use my brain, and still make money.

Technically my first freelance client was in 2006, with my first social media & PR retainer client started in 2009. I worked with Jennifer Allwood from 2013-2019. Since then I've worked with an impressive roster: Miss Mustard Seed, Dixie Belle Paint Company, Sage Polaris, Rachel Mazza, Copy Chief, Meg Yelaney, Natasha Pherson, and Ashleigh Chanel to name a few.

Why am I telling you this? Because of two major things:


I was never an admin virtual assistant. I don't teach admin. I assume you've had a real job, and can figure out how offices work: ie: calendars & scheduling, inbox management, office systems, workflows and communication, and customer service. That's not my jam. 


In my programs, I teach the freelance marketing work I did myself and still do. There are too many coaches out there who are new on the scene, only did it once, or learn that the only way to make $$$$$$$ is to scale and teach others. It irks me that some of these bigwig coaches teaching Pinterest courses for example haven't even touched their own Pinterest accounts for 6+ years. They've hired it out. I prefer to learn from the person who is doing the work and knows what they're talking about. I really pride myself that I'm in the trenches with you.



My Workgroup members and new students always tell me 

"I wish I would have met you sooner" 

 Meaning, before they bought the general VA course...



Stalk me out on all the socials: @emilyreaganpr or check out my podcast at unicornsunitepodcast.com

Emily shares secrets that would take years to learn in the field!


“The course is very informative and thorough. Emily takes the time to include PDFs that got me going fast! Not only that, she was born to tackle the techie world.”

—Morgan Clapper, Digital Marketing Assistant

I just started the course and cannot believe all the jobs available!


“I’m so excited!!!! I have a discovery call scheduled with a potential client on Wednesday, and I’m only in unit one of the course!”

Sharon Blosser
former nonprofit executive director
digital marketing assistant

I’ve gotten 90% of my clients from Emily!


“And I could apply for new jobs DAILY. I currently have four proposals out to potential clients that I’m waiting to hear back from, I have three more discovery calls this week, all from her amazing job opps. And these are just what have come to me THIS MONTH!”

Trace McDonald
branding and marketing

The homework assignments and tech walkthroughs were just what I needed!


“Emily is an inspiration!

The modules in the course were well put together. I loved the examples of real problems with solutions, the live calls with informative guests, and the live homework walkthroughs.

The group feedback makes all the difference. The homework kept me on track not only with implementing what I had learned in the modules, but also making sure my business was ready for launch ”

—Amber Bender
digital marketing assistant

Before you go any further, know that this is NOT for you if:

  • You’re desperate for a job right away. This industry doesn’t mean you create money overnight — it’ll require you to think through challenges, take the time to up your skill set, and partner with the right clients. 
  • You need a lot of accountability to implement. This program is for action takers, doers, and go-getters who are ready to hit the ground running!
  • You have zero job experience right now. You’re ideal for this program if you can lean on past experiences that got you to where you are now.

But it IS perfect for you if:

You’re ready to reclaim your identity. You want your life back! Whether you’ve had a baby break, feel stuck in your current job or want a fresh start, let’s make it happen.

You love helping others. (With your organized brain.) By nature, you’re the type of person who has family trips planned out on a spreadsheet and you were likely the person to do most of the work on group projects way back when. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re the first to volunteer to help at your kiddo’s school, either! This industry is all about helping others grow and learn, and working with leaders at the forefront of that will be second nature to you.

You’re usually the first to say “I’ll figure it out.” Problem-solving is just in your DNA, and you thrive on being constantly challenged.

You’re already an admin VA. And you’re ready to elevate your skill set so you can increase your value and variety of clients!

 You see your peers playing in the online space and you want IN. After this program, you’ll no longer feel like an outsider — and you’ll translate your current skill set, work experience, and creativity into something specialized online.

Fast forward 12 weeks from now, and
THIS could be your new reality:

Your Digital Marketing Assistant services are in demand… And you have the luxury of being selective of which clients you take on.

You know your work is flexible enough… So that you can accommodate any changes to your personal life *without* sacrificing money.

Your clients often say that you’re “their secret weapon... And they just can’t run their business without you!

You love that every single day feels creatively challenging, and that you’re in the know when it comes to the latest tech, strategies and skills in your space


Bottom line?

All the cups finally feel full!


Good news, You can start now in our self-study program or wait for the live cohort in the fall.

Join the waitlist for the next live cohort
Take the Self Starter NOW

UDMA School helps me serve my clients better!


The course gave me the tools to tackle any challenge or job clients throw my way. I know I can find the information from a reliable source and if I have questions I can come back to the group or trainings. UDMA School really gave me validation that I am serving my clients in the right way and helps me serve them even better with additional marketing services.”

—Susan Gilbert

Digital Marketing Assistant