With talent, passion, and drive like yours, any company around the world would be thrilled to have you on their team…but would you?

You already have the smarts you need to thrive as a digital marketing assistant—you just need the skill.

Join the ONLY comprehensive school for digital marketing assistants and learn highly-paid, highly-sought skills. 

Start your online business the right way.

And confidently serve clients, knowing you have exactly what it takes to build a thriving and sustainable career on your terms.

With talent, passion, and drive like yours, any company around the world would be thrilled to have you on their team…but would you?

You already have the smarts you need to thrive as a digital marketing assistant—you just need the skill.

Join the ONLY comprehensive school for digital marketing assistants and learn highly-paid, highly-sought skills. 

 Start your online business the right way. 

And confidently serve clients, knowing you have exactly what it takes to build a thriving and sustainable career on your terms.


Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School

with Emily Reagan


Let's be real:

There is NO reason in this, the year of our lord, Beyoncé, 2024, that you should be spending your time:

  • Gridlocked for hours, commuting to a soul-sucking job.
  • Explaining your 7-year "baby break" to clueless recruiters while competing with ladder-climbing men.
  • Feeling undervalued despite your superhuman organizational skills (juggling soccer, karate, AND dinner? You're practically Mary Poppins on steroids).
  • Stuck in a windowless office next to Dave’s egg salad when you should be working from first class on your way to island hop in Greece.
  • Drowning in job descriptions demanding "expert-level proficiency" in every software known to humankind.
You know that becoming a digital marketing assistant is your ticket to freedom, flexibility, and finally affording that fancy cheese at Whole Foods.

So you can put your talents to good use, stop relying on someone else to sign your paycheck and determine your value, and finally have a fulfilling career that gives you the autonomy you need and deserve.

But, let’s face it—the world of online marketing can feel like a maze of confusing jargon, complicated tech, and ever-changing platforms.

You've got the drive, the passion, and the dream. But there's just one teeny-tiny problem...

You're not quite sure if you've got the skills to back it up.

Sound familiar? 

You're in the right place, and you're in good company.

People like you *THRIVE* as freelance digital marketing assistants.

People with…

  • MacGyver-level problem-solving skills… 
  • Communication skills that add much-needed clarity to their team…
  • VIP-treatment customer service (minus the brown-nosing)…
  • Organizational wizardry that would make Marie Kondo weep…
  • Reliability, trustworthiness, productivity, positive attitude, and MOST importantly…
  • And insatiable thirst for knowledge and the ability to learn anything you put your mind to.

With natural gifts like those, the path to a successful career as a booked out, highly paid, thriving marketing assistant is shorter than you think. 


Imagine waking up tomorrow with:

✅ Rock-solid confidence in your marketing and tech skills.

✅ A clear roadmap to launch your digital marketing business.

✅ The confidence to say "Yes!" to high-paying clients, knowing you have what it takes to get the job done.

No more imposter syndrome. No more tech-phobia. No more missed opportunities.

But here's the kicker: Every day you hesitate, you're leaving money on the table. You're stuck in a job that's as exciting as watching paint dry. That beautiful brain of yours is collecting cobwebs.

So if you’re ready to move out of this transitional season and into the next chapter of your life with a fulfilling career…this might be the time to take that next right step.

The program is for you if you're:

  • Stuck in a 9-to-5 that feels more like a 24/7 nightmare
  • Tech-curious but overwhelmed by the internet's conflicting advice tsunami
  • A SAHM, empty nester, or globetrotter itching to flex those brain muscles (and fatten that wallet)
  • Ready to trade soul-sucking tasks for work that lights you up like Times Square
  • Determined to contribute and create a life with more options and opportunities for yourself and your family

If you're nodding so hard your neck hurts, congrats! You're my target audience.

Even if you don’t know how to make a reel or think SEO stands for Serious Emoji Overload.

Here's a little secret: I (👋 Emily here)  didn’t know anything when I started. And guess what? So did most of the women now running successful, growing digital marketing businesses.

You don't need to be a tech whiz or a marketing genius to get started. Just the right guidance, support, and a proven system that doesn't require a PhD in Techno-babble.

That's exactly what you'll get inside the 


 Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School. 

The ONLY school for digital marketing assistants that teaches up-to-date marketing strategy & skills through comprehensive, easy-to-understand trainings, real-world examples, and live support.
You'll master the skills clients are frantically Googling at 3 AM, build a portfolio that makes LinkedIn weep, and charge rates that'll make your bank account do a happy dance.

Online business owners aren't looking for seasoned experts.

They’re looking for a sharp, resourceful marketing assistant to help bring their big vision to life. The online world moves as fast as lightning, and what they *really* NEED is a partner who can keep up.


  • A tech-savvy sidekick who understands the whole online shebang
  • An eagle-eyed partner who spots profit-increasing opportunities 
  • A customer experience wizard who genuinely cares about improving lives


You just need access to the *exact* strategies, tools, and systems to build a solid foundation — so you can become a highly sought-after, in-demand, and confident Digital Marketing Assistant.


AKA, an irreplaceable teammate who loves to deliver a 10/10 in everything they do.

The only question left is: Are you ready to become the digital marketing unicorn you were born to be?

Your dream job is tapping its foot, impatiently waiting. Time to take that leap and show the digital world what you're made of!




Learn the digital marketing foundations, strategies, & tech skills you need to confidently build a thriving freelance business on your own terms 

⭐️ Master cutting-edge marketing strategies and tech skills clients want right now.

⭐️  Launch your business with profitable packages that sell themselves in 2024.

⭐️  Skip the entry-level VA rates and market yourself as a top-tier marketing assistant from day one.

⭐️  Get exclusive job leads delivered straight to your inbox. (2500+ private job openings shared with our members)

⭐️  Attract and confidently snag quality clients like a pro.



Learn the digital marketing foundations, strategies, & tech skills you need to confidently build a thriving freelance business on your own terms 

⭐️ Master cutting-edge marketing strategies and tech skills clients want right now.

⭐️  Launch your business with profitable packages that sell themselves in 2024.

⭐️  Skip the entry-level VA rates and market yourself as a top-tier marketing assistant from day one.

⭐️  Get exclusive job leads delivered straight to your inbox. (2500+ private job openings shared with our members)

⭐️  Attract and confidently snag quality clients like a pro.

Real Unicorn Success Stories:

 Megan: From stay-at-home mom to $25/hr client…before finishing the course 

I have been doing social media management, email marketing, and a couple of other contract jobs since leaving full-time employment to stay home with my kids in 2017. The clients and the work were ok, but I always knew I wanted/needed to level up somehow and this course did it for me!

I hadn’t even finished the course or launched my biz before I had my first paying client at $25/hr just by telling a friend about the skills I have honed in this class.

You are changing lives by giving moms like me confidence, new direction, and the ability to earn income while living the flexible life I’ve always dreamed of.

—Megan Casper, former Event Manager, now Social Media Manager & Digital Marketing Unicorn

 Stephanie: Homeschooling mom making $2k months 

My initial goal was to make $1,000 a month. With the course, I reached my goal within 3 months and have been consistently hitting $2K months for over a year. As a homeschooling mom, balancing work and family life is a top priority and Emily’s program has helped me make it happen.”

—Stephanie Cutter, Homeschooling Stay-at-Home Mom + Digital Marketing Unicorn

 Claudia: Doubled her income, halved her work hours 

When I started Emily’s course, I was an underemployed and underpaid property manager making $14/hr in Miami.

My original goal was to replace at least half of that income. What I achieved was more than I had ever expected. Now, I charge $30-35/hr, work half of the time I did in my 9-5, have a schedule that moves around my family’s needs, and get to pick who I want to work with. My only regret is not having started sooner!

—Claudia Bretz, Former Property Manager, Milspouse, and Digital Marketing Unicorn

UDMA School is NOT a:

❌ Social media course.

❌ Basic business setup 101 lesson.

❌ General VA course.

These are the critical strategies & skills you need to work from home as a successful digital marketing assistant.

Here’s exactly what you’ll learn inside this proven, one-of-a-kind marketing school:

 Marketing Strategies: 

It’s time to become the Jill-of-all-trades clients dream about. 

To do that, you’re going to need a solid education in the most critical areas of online business. When you get distracted by allllllllll the marketing fads and buzzwords, you set yourself—and your clients—up for failure. Inside UDMA School, you’ll focus on the foundations to give you both breadth and depth of knowledge to impress the pants off of even the most experienced of clients.

Learn strategies that'll make competitors weep and clients fight over you like the last slice of pizza. You'll go from "What's a funnel?" to "I can build that in my sleep." Plus, you'll finally understand why your aunt's cat videos never go viral. 

 Online Business Strategies You Must Know To Get Booked 

Master the online business maze like a seasoned online pro. I'll hand you the map, the compass, and heck, I'll even throw in a friendly minotaur to guide you. You’ll have everything you need to understand the online marketing landscape and become your client’s most irreplaceable asset.

 Social Media Strategy & Management 

Facebook and Instagram won't know what hit 'em. We're talking content that's so good even your client's dog will want to smash that like button. Learn to juggle algorithms like a circus pro, repurpose content so you’re always working smarter, not harder, and create a content calendar schedule that'll make your audience more addicted than their morning coffee.

 Affiliate Marketing 

Turn influence into income, baby! We'll show you how to help your clients make money while they sleep. It's not magic. It's affiliate marketing (okay, it's a little magic).

 From VA to Marketing Unicorn 

If you’ve already dipped your toe into the VA world, it’s time to transform you into the marketing unicorn of your clients' dreams. You'll strut into strategy meetings with the confidence of a toddler with a fresh pair of light-up sneakers.


Because in a world of marketing donkeys, you're about to become a majestic, rainbow-maned unicorn. Grab your glitter, your determination, and your impressive new skills, and let's turn those marketing dreams into cold, hard cash.


Your clients won't just want you—they'll wonder how they ever lived without you.

 Tech & Marketing Skills

It's time to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. We're not just talking about hard skills here—we're talking about your future superpowers. These are the lessons that will transform you from a mild-mannered civilian into a full-fledged digital marketing superhero.

 SEO & Blogging 

Time to make Google your BFF so you can serve even the most prolific bloggers as a high-paid content manager. You'll learn to speak search engine so fluently even Alexa will be jealous. Watch as your clients' websites climb the rankings faster than your CC balance on Prime Day. Page 2 of Google? We don't know her.

After this training, you’ll walk away with:

  • A complete knowledge of SEO foundations and ongoing optimization strategies
  • The perfect blog formula for binge-worthy content every time
  • Systemized organization and blog tracking for a process that will blow your clients away

 Email Marketing & List Building 

Forget Nigerian princes and sketchy supplements. You're about to craft email sequences so irresistible people will voluntarily check their spam folder just in case they missed one. 

This training will demystify:

  • List building, tagging, and segmenting so you can strategically organize your client’s list for maximum conversions
  • Building and updating sequences to navigate the backend like a pro every time
  • Strategizing and implementing weekly emails to nurture and connect so you can keep your client’s list healthy, growing, and ready to buy at a moment's notice

 AI Tools for High-Paid Marketing Assistants 

Harness the power of artificial intelligence without the fear of a robot uprising. You'll be using AI tools so effectively, your clients will wonder if you've secretly been replaced by a very charming cyborg. Spoiler: It's just you, but supercharged!

You’ll get:

  • Top AI tools for successful online business
  • How to create effective prompts to get the outputs you need every time
  • To use AI to build efficient workflows to streamline your client’s marketing processes

 Websites 101 

Wordpress, Kajabi, oh my! You'll become the Dr. Dolittle of websites, understanding their quirks and making them perform tricks so you can keep your client’s site up-to-date, relevant, and active. No more fear of breaking the internet - you'll be too busy ruling it.

This training will give you:

  • Website terms and components
  • Common site pages and how to structure them
  • Email and site integration
  • Tech walkthroughs on Meta pixel, Kajabi, Elementor, and sleuthing

 Funnel Building & Tracking 

If funnels are still more of a kitchen tool than a powerful online money maker, buckle up, baby. You’re about to step into a whole new world. With these tools in your tool belt, you'll be building funnels so smooth leads will slide right into conversions before they even know what hit 'em. 

Inside this training, you’ll learn everything you need to know to become your client’s secret weapon, including: 

  • The different steps & strategies that make up a funnel so you can keep up with your lightning fast clients
  • Landing page design so you can take your client's copy and bring it to life
  • The ins and outs of the most popular funnel-building tools so you can hop right in and get to work
  • Tracking & reporting best practices that will impress your clients and help them make data-informed decisions in their business

 Business Building Foundations: 

Those shiny new skills are crucial, but they alone don't pay the bills. No matter how much marketing knowledge and tools you have under your toolbelt, you’ll never build a sustainable, thriving business without these essential freelancer skills. 

No more working for exposure or "experience." You're a unicorn, not a charity.

Here, you’ll gain the business strategies you need to establish a sustainable and thriving digital marketing assistant freelance business like:

 Pricing Like a Pro 

No more underselling yourself like last week's bananas. We're talking premium pricing that'll have you feeling like the Beyoncé of digital marketing. You'll learn to charge what you're worth (hint: it's more than you think).

 Irresistible Packages 

Facebook and Instagram won't know what hit 'em. We're talking content that's so good even your client's dog will want to smash that like button. Learn to juggle algorithms like a circus pro, repurpose content so you’re always working smarter, not harder, and create a content calendar schedule that'll make your audience more addicted than their morning coffee.

 Workflows & SOP 

Turn influence into income, baby! We'll show you how to help your clients make money while they sleep. It's not magic. It's affiliate marketing (okay, it's a little magic).

 Client Management 

If you’ve already dipped your toe into the VA world, it’s time to transform you into the marketing unicorn of your clients' dreams. You'll strut into strategy meetings with the confidence of a toddler with a fresh pair of light-up sneakers.

 Business Tracking & Reporting 

The smartest business owners know their numbers. After this training, you’ll be a low-key data wizard, turning boring numbers into profitable data points for your business.

 Coaching, Community & Support 

Let's talk about the secret sauce that'll turn you from a lone wolf into the alpha of the pack. We're not just handing you a bunch of skills and sending you off into the wild – oh no, we're giving you an entire village to raise your business baby. Because even unicorns need a little help sometimes.

  Live Q&A Calls  

Got a question that's burning hotter than your laptop after a 12-hour work binge? Beam it straight to me. This is your time to get my eyes on your business and custom coaching so you can confidently move forward in your business. Got a picky client? Don’t know what to include in your contract? Stuck on a strategy? Want perspective on your project? Bring it all to your Q&A call!

Our live Q&A calls are like office hours—if your professor was a marketing superhero with a sense of humor. No question too silly, no problem too prickle-y.

 Private Facebook Community 

Facebook and Instagram won't know what hit 'em. We're talking content that's so good even your client's dog will want to smash that like button. Learn to juggle algorithms like a circus pro, repurpose content so you’re always working smarter, not harder, and create a content calendar schedule that'll make your audience more addicted than their morning coffee.

 Weekly Hands On Practice 

The kind of homework you want to do! This is the difference between theory and real-life experience that gets you hired. You’ll get hands-on experience with marketing AND business homework through bite sized assignments to build your business and your portfolio. 

Each week, you’ll get foundational business tasks to check off your list, set up your backend, and confidently serve higher-paying clients through a streamlined, legitimate business. 

We'll give you marketing action steps to design ads, build automations, format blogs, etc., so that your competency and confidence grow from doing the work (not just thinking about it).

By the end of the program, you’ll have an established business AND portfolio full of marketing projects to impress your next (or first) client.

Plus, you’ll get exclusive access to these exclusive bonuses:

And because around here, we play favorites (and you’re it 😉), here's some extra sprinkles on your sundae:


 Kickstarter Kit: Your Marketing Business In a Box 

We're talking portfolios that'll make clients swoon, discovery calls smoother than butter, and proposals so good they should be framed. Even the boring stuff like covering your butt from the IRS. It's everything you need to look like a pro, even if you're still figuring out which end of the laptop to type on. Fake it 'til you make it? Nah, you can just skip straight to making it.

You’ll get samples, templates, and trainings so you can create professional portfolios, build beautiful proposals, search for clients in all the right places, send out detailed contracts, and understand taxes as a 1099 contractor from the minute you set up shop.

 3 Months FREE in the Digital Marketer's Workgroup Paid Community 

Welcome to the cool kids' table! It's like the VIP room at the hottest club in town, but instead of overpriced drinks, you get overflowing wisdom. If UDMA School is college—the Workgroup is that coveted industry networking group with all the connections, jobs, and opportunities. Here, you’ll rub virtual elbows with the best in the business, get the inside scoop on advanced techniques, and get first dibs on job openings with the top clients in the industry. Warning: May cause severe FOMO when it's time to leave. ($333 value)

 Facebook Community Management Workshop 

Everything you need to know to start working as a community manager and be 100% confident to go after those 6- or 7-figure team opportunities. This unique entry-level job allows you to work inside a platform you already know, serving established business owners at a premium rate. ($197 value)

 Guest Expert Trainings:  

We're rolling out the red carpet and bringing in the best in the biz. Learn from guest experts who are so good at what they do they make the rest of us look basic. It's like having a backstage pass to the concert of marketing knowledge.

You'll be starstruck, inspired, and maybe a little intimidated (in the best way).

Learn from guest expert workshops like:

  • Your Data Tracking Lifeline with Ange Quinn, who will give you a next-level skill set as you learn how to master UTMs & marketing campaign tracking.
  • Calls That Convert with Tracie Patterson so you can confidently nail your discovery calls every single time.
  • Graphic Design for Social Media with Aino Horsma to take you from “VA who schedules posts” to “irreplaceable social media manager.”
  • Freedom From Fear Workshop with Jen Grosso, who delivers confidence training based in neurological science so you can develop the habits to keep you powering towards your goals with strength and certainty no matter what the business throws at you.

And more!

All so you can confidently say YES to marketing jobs, take on paying clients, and provide top-notch marketing services to build your freelancer reputation.


So, are you ready to level up from "I can use Microsoft Word" to "I can make the internet my b*tch?”


Clients won't just hire you—
they'll wonder how they ever survived without you.

 Let's go break the internet  


 I just wanted a little bit of boost on social media, and I got 100 times more than that.  

She has given us everything to be successful from the discovery calls, to the proposals, to the contracts, as well as have speakers come in that are experts in their field to let us know how to do all of it. So it's an incredible school." 


—Beth Weatherly, Office Assistant, Mother of Two, and DMA


 Finally feel confident saying YES to marketing jobs, take on paying clients, and provide top-notch services to build a thriving freelance business. 


Lifetime access to all future upgrades

Most Flexible

6 Monthly Payments




Get the Website in a Week Course & Coaching FREE!


Most Popular

3 Monthly Payments




Get the Website in a Week Course & Coaching FREE!


Most Convenient

Pay in Full





Get the Website in a Week Course & Coaching FREE!



Lifetime access to all future upgrades

Most Flexible

6 Monthly Payments




Most Popular

3 Monthly Payments




Most Convenient

Pay in Full


Get the Website in a Week Course & Coaching FREE!



Website in a Week Course & Coaching

Get access to the proven-to-launch-fast website framework and set up your website in a matter of hours!

You’ll get the training and a 3-hour private co-working session write your site, build it out, and receive 1:1 feedback from so you can finally press “launch” and start attracting clients ASAP. 

You'll get invaluable hands-on experience designing in WordPress and Elementor (but you can apply this to other website builders too.) 

Start your DMA career with an established web presence and a client-facing site you’re proud of.

 This Co-Working Day is ONLY available to folks who pay in full for UDMA School.

$3,000 Value!

 Join Today and Get: 

→ Marketing Strategies, Tech & Marketing Skills, and Business Foundations core lessons 

→ Private student FB group 

→ Weekly Live Coaching  Q&As 

→ Marketing Homework Reviews 

→ Backend Business Building Homework 

→ Freelancer Contract 

→ Portfolio Marketing Implementation Homework 

→ Sales Call Coaching 

→ Confidence Workshop 

→ Job Leads 

→ Bonus Trainings: Graphic Design, Community Management, and UTM Tracking, and MORE!

→ 3-month membership to our Digital Marketer's Workgroup with advanced training, peer support, and continued job leads 

→ Lifetime access to this current version of the course

And so much MORE!


The UDMA 7-Day Guarantee

We have full confidence in our program, backed by the hundreds of students who have followed the Unicorn Roadmap, and began successful, sustainable freelance businesses.

If you spend one week inside the program, utilize your support resources, and complete Module 1 and you decide this is not the remote position for you, we’ll give you your money back.

 Learn industry secrets that would take years to learn in the field! 

“The course is very informative and thorough. Emily takes the time to include PDFs that got me going fast! Not only that, she was born to tackle the techie world."

—Morgan Clapper, Digital Marketing Assistant

 This program helps me serve my clients better! 

"The course gave me the tools to tackle any challenge or job clients throw my way. I know I can find the information from a reliable source and if I have questions I can come back to the group or trainings. UDMA School really gave me validation that I am serving my clients in the right way and helps me serve them even better with additional marketing services."

—Susan Gilbert, Digital Marketing Assistant

If we haven’t met yet…

Hey, I’m Emily Reagan!

Unicorn herder, board game pro, pickleball-obsessed introvert, and seasoned digital marketing specialist (14 years to be exact).

I've used my marketing magic for online superstars like Jennifer Allwood, Dixie Belle Paint Company, Sage Polaris, Copy Chief, Megan Yelaney, and Natasha Pherson (just to name-drop a few).

I’m a former military spouse of 20 years who mastered the art of career hopscotch after 11 moves in 19 years with our four kids in tow. I’ve worn more hats than the mad hatter—everything from marketing, public relations, news, and digital media…all while acting as the primary parent and household manager.

After my stint as a full-time baby wrangler, I tried re-entering the workforce at 36. Spoiler alert: Being overqualified, overeducated, and underpaid wasn't my cup o’ tea. So, I decided to bet on myself instead and dove headfirst into the wild world of online marketing. I’ve never looked back.

Now, I’m a single mom of four (including a teenager – send help and snacks!), rooted in Richmond, VA. My new mission? Supporting aspiring marketing assistants as you gain the skills and knowledge you need to enter the market at the top of your field, beat out the competition, and serve clients with a premium service.

With 102+ happy clients and 450+ digital marketing proteges under my belt, I've crafted THE ultimate school for mastering the marketing tools and strategies clients are desperate for.

If you're a rare breed who can both strategize AND implement, congratulations! You're exactly what clients are hunting for. You’ve got that magical it-factor to see the WHY and HOW behind every system and challenge. It's like having X-ray vision for marketing!

Real talk: This is the course I wish I had 14 years ago. It would've saved me literal years and fattened up my wallet a lot sooner.

UDMA School is built on battle-tested experience, offering you a express lane to booking out, niching down, and charging what your services are worth. And I'm still here in the trenches in 2024, slinging marketing magic alongside you.

So come join me and let’s do this together!



💖 Emily

Join Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School today & get immediate access to:

  • Video Trainings covering high-level marketing strategies, in-depth business & marketing skills, straightforward tutorials, and behind-the-scenes firsthand knowledge that fast-track your career. 
  • Up-to-Date Tech Tutorials of the most popular platforms that you can reference at any time as back-pocket tech support.
  • Dashboards, Spreadsheets, Tracking & Reporting Templates, SOPs & Workflows so you never have to set anything up from scratch for you or your clients
  • Bonuses Training Deep Dives to increase your skillset and confidence so you never have to feel limited when you see those “hell yes!” jobs come through.
  • Private Facebook Community for networking, encouragement, problem-solving, and accountability 
  • Hot Job Leads from established business owners specifically searching for and ready to hire their Unicorn Teammate.
  • 3 Months free of Continuing Support + Jobs inside the paid Digital Marketer's Workgroup Membership.
  • Real-Life Marketing & Business Assignments to build your business and portfolio so you gain hands-on experience, not just theory.


 All so you can enter the market with SKILL, EXPERIENCE, and a PORTFOLIO. 

You’ll leave this program with an established business and a track record to impress high-paying clients at the top of the industry.  

 Why Ange (and many other hiring managers) hire digital marketing assistants from our unicorn workgroup first  

“The one thing I look for when I hire a new VA is their ability to know platforms, strategies, and what's going on in the industry. Too often VAs don't know what they're doing. We want to hire a VA who has some experience and training, and a training program to fall back on or great mentor to ask questions to. 

If you're thinking about taking Emily's course, she knows her stuff. She knows what's going on in the industry, she's worked with all the different platforms. She's an excellent mentor... There are courses that teach you how to build your own business as a VA but they don't supplement with training on how to do things. If you're coming in as a service provider and you're gonna do the doing, it's really important that you know how to do the doing…

You will get further by investing in yourself with this program and learning what you can do and provide to your clients."

—Ange Quinn, Hiring Manager & Director of Operations of The Ops Builder


"I’ve hired A LOT over the past few years and have had to let many team members go because they simply can’t do the job they were hired to do.

Fit and personality matter, but skill is hands down the most important part when it comes to hiring and keeping someone on your team.

"I won’t even look at marketing assistants if they haven’t been through UDMA School because I know that they have the right training and resources to do what needs to be done. And I know that if they get stuck, they have a genius in their back pocket to help them figure it out. Which means, I get to stay in the CEO seat and do what I do best, and my team gets to shine and do what they do best.

Emily is one of the smartest marketers I know and everyone who spends any time around her gets smarter by proxy.”

—Brittany McBean, Copywriter & Launch Strategist, Agency Owner

This is the ONLY program of its kind that offers:


With tech tutorials, reporting and analytics training, and the resources, templates, and spreadsheets to set it all up yourself with just the click of a button.

All the resources you need to succeed


You’ll wow your clients when you understand exactly how things like UTMs and SEO work — and it all fits together to work towards their big goals.

The permission to be creative *and* lucrative


This program is designed to support your detail-oriented brain and leave no room for unanswered questions! We don’t stop at high-level theory, business set up, or fluffy motivation. This course is full of the actionable, detailed, up-to-date skill you need to do the job you’ve been hired to do.

Combine your unique talents with cold, hard skill


Becoming a Digital Marketing Assistant means that YOU get to choose your own special blend of skills—and it’s been a joy to watch all the DMAs infuse their personality into it. From charging a cushy hourly rate, to niching down, to becoming marketing managers, I’ve seen them do it all!

 This program leverages your innate talent, drive, and ability to pick things up quickly to help you hit the ground running, YOUR way


Looking for a new client? We got you. Want to bounce ideas, questions, or concerns around? Need advice on pricing? You’re in the right place. From the consistent influx of job leads to the friendship from fellow unicorns on a shared path, you won’t be in this alone — from the moment you join up until a year later, you’ll have access to a network of genuine support.

Surround yourselfwith a diverse group of people who just GET you, and want the best for you

 I never would have had the courage to just flat out offer digital marketing services after being a stay-at-home mom for 9 years!

I now have four clients and I have a volunteer spot with my local food pantry keeping their website updated. This course was definitely a confidence booster and helped me realize how help out there is needed and how people are willing to pay for that help! This will be an exciting year!

—Crystal Morissette, former Industrial Engineer, Stay-at-Home Mom and Digital Marketing Assistant

I left my 9-5, took my digital marketing skills to the next level and gained so much confidence! 

When I found UDMA School, I was a part-time VA offering email marketing services and working a 9-5. I was ready to take my business full time, but wanted to freshen up my skills and learn new ones first. 

This course was exactly what I needed! It took my email marketing skills to the next level, and now I’m offering other in-demand digital marketing services with the skills I learned. Because of the confidence, I gained from this course, I left my 9-5!

Emily’s vibrant energy in teaching the course made learning fun, and she gives you all the support you need throughout the entire experience!

—Marci Sanders, former Project Consultant and current Email Marketing & Tech Specialist

I just started the course and cannot believe all the jobs available!

“I’m so excited!!!! I have a discovery call scheduled with a potential client on Wednesday, and I’m only in unit one of the course!”

—Sharon Blosser, former nonprofit executive director and current Digital Marketing Assistantist

Before you dive in…

Let’s make sure we’re a match made in (online) heaven.

 UDMA School is NOT for you if: 

  • You need a job yesterday. This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme— it’ll require you to think through challenges, practice your new skill set, and partner with the right clients (which takes time, but it's worth it).
  • You need a motivation babysitter. We've got built-in accountability and a killer community, but the fire in your belly? That's all you, go-getter!
  • You're fresh out of the professional oven. Some work experience is your secret sauce here (but don't worry, it doesn't have to be in marketing).
  • You'd have to rob a piggy bank to afford it. We get it – investing in yourself is huge. There’s significant ROI with a freelance career that makes an average of $48,000k your first year. But if it means financial acrobatics, hold off. We'll be here when you're ready!

 But it IS perfect for you if: 

  • You're ready to reclaim your identity faster than you can say "spreadsheet wizard." You want your life back! Whether you've been knee-deep in diapers, stuck in a soul-sucking job, or craving a fresh start, we've got your back.
  • You're the unofficial CEO of Helping Others, Inc. Your family trips are planned with military precision, you were the group project superhero, and you're probably the first to volunteer at your kid's bake sale. (Spoiler: These skills are marketing gold!)
  • "I'll figure it out" is your battle cry. You eat challenges for breakfast and Problem-Solving is your middle name.
  • You're an admin VA ready to spread your wings. Time to soar into higher-paying, variety-packed client work!You're an admin VA ready to spread your wings.wings.wings.wings.wings.wings.wings. 

Fast forward a year from now, and THIS could be your new reality:

→ Consistently working in a creatively stimulating and challenging field with unlimited learning opportunities.

→ You’re truly exceptional at what you do, your services are in demand and you get to decide who you work with and the projects you take on.

→ Work-life balance is defined by your goals, passions, and vision for your life and no one else. You set the boundaries around your work so you never have decide between sacrifice your quality of life or your career.

→ You have the financial independence to create options and opportunities to live life on your own terms. Whether you want to travel, fix up your home, give your kids a different life, donate, or just treat your self…the decisions are finally yours to make.

→ You’re helping passionate entreprenuers build their business with your talents, creating calm in the chaos so you both can thrive.

Bottom line?

You get to have your own career, making your own money, on your terms



 I landed my first client within two weeks… And three more soon after! 

''I'm a lifelong entrepreneur and have successfully owned and operated my own brick-and-mortar businesses for over 20 years. I was excited to develop the digital freelancing skills that many business owners needed! 

Emily's program is truly what successfully set me on my path to exceeding the goals I had set for myself.  

Within the first two weeks of joining her program, I landed my first client (from one of the MANY opportunities she shared with our UDMA cohort). 

Her program gave me the confidence and knowledge to put myself out there and offer digital marketing services to potential clients within the first month of joining UDMA.

After the first client, I was immediately able to confidently schedule three more discovery calls and was given the opportunity to work with all three of them!"

—Adria Boyd, Brick and Mortar Business Owner now Director of Operations & Online Business Manager

 I was able to quit teaching AND replace my income a year sooner than I thought.  

I had a goal when I started Emily’s Course to transition from teaching into working for myself from home as a digital marketing VA. However, due to the utter fabulousness of all that I’ve learned and the job ops posted in this group, I am accomplishing that goal one year early!

I will get to work from home and have a flexible schedule, which will allow me more time with my husband and three sweet kiddos. I am thrilled beyond words - and as grateful as I can be!! We unicorns are pretty magical. 🦄 🥰 ”

—Marilee Haynes, former teacher, current copywriter at 5H Copywriting

 GOT Qs?

 I'VE GOT As! 


 Angela used her digital marketing skills to start a business where she could travel more… 

“I was feeling stuck with the business I had created. The course helped me make the transition from the business I had to the business I wanted to grow. The individual trainings inside the course were awesome because they gave me confidence to jump into areas I wasn’t familiar with yet.

Since taking the course, I’ve signed several clients and I love the variety and freedom!

—Angela Kiszka, digital creator, and 10-year e-commerce site owner

 I’ve gotten 90% of my clients from Emily 

“And I could apply for new jobs DAILY. I currently have four proposals out to potential clients that I’m waiting to hear back from, I have three more discovery calls this week, all from her amazing job opps. And these are just what have come to me THIS MONTH!”

—Tracey Anne, Owner of The Digital Goddess, branding and marketing

 I have new, established clients AND the added confidence I needed to believe in the skills I already had to support other business owners! 

“Emily’s course helped sharpen my existing skills and also taught me new ones. Wanting to take charge of my career journey has always been in the back of my mind, but I just needed the encouragement to actually take ownership of it! 

Since completing UDMA, I confidently offer my services to others and have established new clients who appreciate the value I bring.

I already miss the homework and our weekly Zoom meetings! The layout of the coursework and the walk-through each week brought so much excitement and clarity to what I was learning. To be in a setting with like-minded classmates all yearning to LEARN was a wonderful experience that I can’t speak highly enough about!”

—Jennifer Scherzinger Hospice Liaison, now Digital Marketing Assistant

 I covered my cost by the time I finished — and I freaking LOVE the work I’m doing! 

“I was so inspired by Emily’s podcast that after consuming a handful of episodes, I jumped right into podcast assisting for a friend of mine using my past business experience. That first month I made around $250 — and the next month I joined Emily’s course. After that, my confidence grew each week right along with my income!

I doubled my income in March and tripled it in April! At the same time I completed her course, I had made just over $3000 as a freelancer. It covered my cost for the course and today, I freaking love the work I’m doing and the really cool opportunities it has opened up for me in my life!”

Andréa Pettingill, Nail Salon Owner, current Digital Marketing Specialist

 I get to choose who I work for, when I work and how much I charge! 

“Emily's course was an excellent investment for me. I learned so much and was prepared to jump in as soon as I finished the course. I had my first client within a month and was able to make back my investment in my first month.

She provided extra tips and tricks that enabled me to do more work in less time. The group support empowered me to apply for jobs I would have otherwise been intimidated by."

Connie Hurlburt, elementary school teacher, mom of two and retired military spouse

So what do you think? 

Is it time to finally trade...

  • A soul-crushing 50+ hour work week to crafting your own work-life harmony?

  • That energy-vampire career for embracing exciting, challenging work you love?

  • Your imposter syndrome for confidently offering top-notch digital marketing services?

  • Dreaming about travel to actually hitting the road with your laptop as your office?

  • Spinning your wheels financially to achieving the freedom and legacy you want for your family?

  • Relationship-neglecting overwork for setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing what matters?
  • Your cog-in-the-machine status for becoming an indispensable asset on someone's dream team?

  • Settling for "meh, good enough" for becoming exceptional and undeniable in your field?


 Picture this: 

You wake up pumped to dive into fascinating work. You're the awesome sauce helping businesses skyrocket while your bank account does the cha-cha. You're front-row at your kid's recital, planning your next adventure, and calling all the shots in your life.

Welcome to the Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant life. It's not a fairytale. It's your future.

Your future self is doing a happy dance, thrilled you seized this moment. 

So, what'll it be? Keeping that invisibility cloak, or donning a dazzling horn?

Don't let another "meh" day slip through your fingers. Your metamorphosis starts now and your next chapter is one small step away!



P.S. Remember, every successful DMA stood right where you are now. Their secret? They took the leap.

 So what do you think? 

Is it time to finally trade...

• A soul-crushing 50+ hour work week to crafting your own work-life harmony?

• That energy-vampire career for embracing exciting, challenging work you love?

• Your imposter syndrome for confidently offering top-notch digital marketing services?

• Dreaming about travel to actually hitting the road with your laptop as your office?

• Spinning your wheels financially to achieving the freedom and legacy you want for your family?

• Relationship-neglecting overwork for setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing what matters?

• Your cog-in-the-machine status for becoming an indispensable asset on someone's dream team?

 • Settling for "meh, good enough" for becoming exceptional and undeniable in your field?


 Picture this: 

You wake up pumped to dive into fascinating work. You're the awesome sauce helping businesses skyrocket while your bank account does the cha-cha.

You're front-row at your kid's recital, planning your next adventure, and calling all the shots in your life.

Welcome to the Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant life. It's not a fairytale. It's your future.

Your future self is doing a happy dance, thrilled you seized this moment. 

So, what'll it be? Keeping that invisibility cloak, or donning a dazzling horn?

Don't let another "meh" day slip through your fingers. Your metamorphosis starts now and your next chapter is one small step away!



P.S. Remember, every successful DMA stood right where you are now. Their secret? They took the leap.


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Lifetime access to all future upgrades

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Website in a Week Course & Coaching

Get access to the proven-to-launch-fast website framework and set up your website in a matter of hours!

You’ll get the training and a 3-hour private co-working session write your site, build it out, and receive 1:1 feedback from so you can finally press “launch” and start attracting clients ASAP. 

You'll get invaluable hands-on experience designing in WordPress and Elementor (but you can apply this to other website builders too.) 

Start your DMA career with an established web presence and a client-facing site you’re proud of.

 This Co-Working Day is ONLY available to folks who pay in full for UDMA School.

$3,000 Value!

 Join Today and Get: 

→ Marketing Strategies, Tech & Marketing Skills, and Business Foundations core lessons 

→ Private student FB group 

→ Weekly Live Coaching  Q&As 

→ Marketing Homework Reviews 

→ Backend Business Building Homework 

→ Freelancer Contract 

→ Portfolio Marketing Implementation Homework 

→ Sales Call Coaching 

→ Confidence Workshop 

→ Job Leads 

→ Bonus Trainings: Graphic Design, Community Management, and UTM Tracking, and MORE!

→ 3-month membership to our Digital Marketer's Workgroup with advanced training, peer support, and continued job leads 

→ Lifetime access to this current version of the course

And so much MORE!