
Our next Live Cohort starts Fall 2024


For aspiring virtual assistants who want more creativity, consistent revenue and experience playing online

 YES — You Can Have Flexibility,   Creativity & Financial Stability…


… When You Master THIS In-Demand Skill Set That Online Clients Need From Virtual Assistants Right Now


Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School

with Emily Reagan

Self-Starter is Now Open!



You’re here because you’re curious about making more money as virtual assistant.

… But not just ANY virtual assistant who is content to check off tasks in Asana.

Don’t get me wrong: virtual assistants are SO much more than they receive credit for.

But if you can do admin work in your sleep AND you love creative challenges —

There’s a different role that I know can serve you better, make more consistent revenue AND help you stand out from the crowd.

Online business owners are no longer looking to hire contractor upon contractor — it’s exhausting, and they’ve got too much on their plate to juggle as it is. The online world moves as fast as lightning, and what they *really* NEED is a partner who can keep up.

If you consider yourself highly adaptable, driven, and curious about playing online, 


Hear me out:

I believe that Digital Marketing Assistants are the *new* essential to every entrepreneur’s superpower team.

  • Someone who understands the entire ecosystem they’re working in… From setting up funnels to tracking their success.
  • Someone who can keep their eye on the bigger pictureAnd point out the opportunities to help clients move forward.
  • Someone who genuinely cares about improving people’s livesWith an efficient customer experience to make it happen.

Spoiler alert: that someone could be YOU.

And you don’t need a fancy degree, a dozen $5K courses, or a decade of experience to claim this title.

You just need access to the *exact* strategies, tools, and systems to build a solid foundation — so you can become a highly sought-after, in-demand, and confident Digital Marketing Assistant.

AKA, a true unicorn who loves to deliver a 10/10 in everything they do — the kind who can bring the sparkle and make businesses shine for years to come.

I’ve been doing this work for years (with a solid track record and star client list under my belt), which is why:

My inbox is flooded with requests for referrals to Digital Marketing Assistants, and I want to send one your way!

That’s exactly why I’d love to introduce you to my signature program to help you get the skills and the confidence to step onto this career path… 



Learn the core digital marketing foundations, strategies and tech skills you need to become the secret weapon behind every online entrepreneur on the rise.

⭐️ Gain access to the core digital marketing foundations, strategies, and tech skills clients want right now that will help you level up to manager roles 

⭐️  Learn how to profitably package and promote your services.

⭐️  Avoid ALL the traps and mistakes to avoid as an independent contractor.

⭐️  Attract and confidently land quality clients so you can hit the ground running!

⭐️  Position yourself to take on marketing projects and get out of the hourly time tracking dungeon 


Megan landed her first client before she even finished the program!


“Jumping on to say thank you, Emily, for creating this amazing course! I have been doing social media management, email marketing, and a couple of other contract jobs since leaving full-time employment to stay home with my kids in 2017. The clients and the work were ok the past few years, but I always knew I wanted/needed to level up somehow and this course did it for me!

I hadn’t even finished the course or launched my biz before I had my first paying client at $25/hr just by telling a friend about the skills I have honed in this class. I can’t wait to see what 2022 brings as I fully launch my business.

Thank you for sharing your incredible skills and experience — you are changing lives by giving moms like me confidence, new direction, and the ability to earn income while living the flexible life I’ve always dreamed of.

__Megan Casper, former Event Manager, now Social Media Manager & Digital Marketing Unicorn

So — why you, and why do this NOW?

This program has supported hundreds of folks who are ready to take ownership over their lives again — no matter what life has thrown at them recently.

You’re reading this because you feel drawn to making a change in your life — and maybe it’s because you’ve been putting everyone ELSE first for so long.

Maybe it’s time to do something for yourself AND let it be flexible. 

Maybe “change” and “transition” are your middle names.

Maybe you even call yourself a:

  • Military spouse
  • Stay-at-home mom
  • Teacher
  • Corporate escapee
  • Network marketer


(Or hey, you might even be a virtual assistant already who wants to upgrade their skill set!)

Regardless of where you’re at, there’s ONE thing that unites all the unicorns who join UDMA School:

→ They’re ready to infuse themselves BACK into their lives and design their IDEAL way of working!

Becoming a Digital Marketing Assistant is a growing, in-demand role that will help you transition into this next phase of life with consistent income, profitable rates, and incredible clients while genuinely improving the lives of others.


Stephanie is making an extra 2K a month — while homeschooling!


“My initial goal was to make $1,000 a month. With the course, I reached my goal within 3 months and have been consistently hitting $2K months for over a year. As a homeschooling mom, balancing work and family life is a top priority and Emily’s program has helped me make it happen.”

__Stephanie Cutter, homeschooling stay-at-home mom + digital marketing assistant

Claudia doubled her pay and works half the time she used to!


“When I started Emily’s course, I was an underemployed and underpaid property manager making $14/hr in Miami.

My original goal was to replace at least half of that income. What I achieved was more than I had ever expected. Now, I charge $30-35/hr, work half of the time I did in my 9-5, have a schedule that moves around my family’s needs, and get to pick who I want to work with. My only regret is not having started sooner!

__Claudia Bretz, former property manager, milspouse, and digital marketing assistant

Here’s exactly what you’ll learn inside this proven training program:


❌It's not a social media course.

It's not a basic business set up lesson.

❌It's not a admin VA course.

These are the critical lessons and modules you’ll learn as a digital marketing assistant.


>> Online Business Strategies You Must Know To Get Booked (and progress)

Learn exactly what business owners are trying to accomplish in the online space and where you can fit in as a digital marketing unicorn.

Module Highlights:

  • Understand the big picture of online business
  • Recognize the tasks your clients need off their plate and how your role as an independent freelancer fits in
  • Get access to Emily’s insider know-how on exactly what you need to do to uplevel from assistant to implementor or integrator for the long run

>> Email Marketing & List Building

Help your clients nurture and build their audience with email marketing.

Module Highlights:

  • Understand list building, tagging, and segmenting and how you apply it to email marketing
  • Build and update email sequences
  • Plan, create, and implement weekly email strategy

>> Funnel Components and Tracking

Get familiar with marketing funnels and how they fit into online marketing.

Module Highlights:

  • Learn page designs and the different landing pages used in funnels
  • Tech walkthroughs on integrations with popular programs
  • Understanding tracking links and learning how to track and report funnel effectiveness

>> Blogging

Learn how to help bloggers get found in the online world.

Module Highlights:

  • Six things every blog needs
  • What is SEO, how it’s used, and rules for optimization
  • Organizing, setting up, and tracking blogs

>> Website Updates

Get familiar with the backend of WordPress and Kajabi so you can make website updates and assist in content marketing to help business owners accomplish their goals.

Module Highlights:

  • Website terms and components plus common pages to edit
  • Email and site integration
  • Tech walkthroughs on Meta pixel, Kajabi, Elementor, and sleuthing

>> Social Media Strategy for Online Business

Learn the ins and outs of how to utilize social media platforms: Facebook and Instagram for online business.

Module Highlights:

  • Steps taken from getting access to repurposing content
  • Ways to keep the algorithms satisfied
  • Backend of analytics and how to create post schedules

>> Affiliate Marketing

Discover how to help influencers and bloggers earn passive income from their branding status, via recommendations and referrals. Plus, figure out what you need to know about helping coaches, course creators and membership site owners manage their affiliate programs.

Module Highlights:

  • The quickest way to get and organize affiliate links
  • The legal must-dos for affiliate marketing
  • How to work the Amazon Affiliates options and other affiliate programs

>> Client Work

Learn how to put all the steps together to get the work done in a profitable and timely manner.

Module Highlights:

  • What to charge for tasks and how to estimate projects
  • Step-by-step plan to create your own smooth workflow
  • Create packages, proposals and onboard new clients based on your new digital marketing skill set

 >> AI Tools for Marketing Assistants

Fast track your marketing work flows and elevate your role quickly to marketing manager by harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence. Use it for ideation, writing, and even promoting your own business!

Module Highlights:

  • Must-Know AI marketing tools
  • Understand AI prompts, outputs, and messaging
  • Impress prospects and clients with your efficiency and ability to recommend programs and act like a full-blown marketer when you're new to their business
  • Create SOPS for your clients using AI



>> Tech Walkthroughs

Even if you’ve never touched these platforms before, you’ll have the know-how to perform weekly digital marketing tasks for your clients in Active Campaign, ConvertKit, and Kajabi, and make basic WordPress website updates and post blogs. You’ll also get step-by-step instructions for posting on social media, creating affiliate links, and more.


>> Workflows & SOPs 

Have a step-by-step method for performing weekly digital marketing tasks so you can walk into any client’s business, look at their unique tech stack and immediately implement and get to work.


>> Tracking Sheets

Know exactly what data to track to be able to communicate your value and ROI as a digital marketing assistant and track the effectiveness of your marketing efforts for clients. You’ll wow your clients with these weekly and monthly metrics. PS - Use these metrics and results in your own self-promotion and testimonials!


>> Weekly Business-Building Homework

Lay the business foundational tracks in your business set up so you are ready to say yes to client work by the end of the course.


>> Weekly Marketing Implementation Homework

Get hands-on experience doing marketing work. We'll give you a marketing assignments to design ads, build automations, format blogs, etc. so that your competency and confidence grows from doing the work. You'll use a conceptual or current client and end up with marketing assets for a portfolio and feeling confident to say YES to marketing jobs.


>> Weekly Recorded Training

Each week you'll get access to the main strategy lesson plus support tech lessons and workflow lessons. The lessons will be stored in your resource library in Kajabi. 


>> Questions Answered

Submit your questions via email or through your student portal or attend one of our our quarterly live coaching calls. 


>> Lifetime Access

You’ll get lifetime access to this version of the course. No time limits. No annual subscriptions. No additional training purchases. You can come back to the course as a resource at any time.


... all so you can be confident saying YES to marketing related jobs, take on paying clients and provide top-notch marketing services to build your freelancer reputation.

"I just wanted a little bit of boost on social media,
and I got 100 times more than that"


“The one thing I love about Emily's course is she gives you a wide range of knowledge. So you can talk intelligently about all of the marketing aspects. The funny thing is, I thought it's gonna be a breeze and I would just learn a little bit of social media instruction. And oh my gosh, it is so much more..

She has given us everything to be successful from the discovery calls, to the proposals, to the contracts, as well as have speakers come in that are experts in their field to let us know how to do all of it. So it's an incredible school. And I'm very thankful that someone told me about it.

Emily is someone who is a leader, not just a teacher, and she takes you along on the ride and says I am going to go through this with you. And then on the flip side with the Workgroup, she gives us job opportunities that we would never know about, and doesn't just kick us out of the nest and say you're on your own. So I love that about her school in her classes. She's just with you every step of the way. I would tell anyone to do it if they're remotely interested in doing any sort of freelance work."

__Beth Weatherly, Office Assistant and mother of two

→ PLUS these exclusive bonuses!

→ PLUS these exclusive bonuses!

Facebook Community Management 

The Quickstart to Facebook Community Management Workshop

Everything you need to know to start working as a community manager and be 100% confident to go after those 6- or 7-figure team opportunities. This is a great entry job for anyone with unicorn digital marketing skills.

This sets you up to work inside six-figure businesses immediately!

Value $197

Freelance Biz Kickstarter

Portfolios - Discovery Calls - Proposals - Finding Clients - Setting up your Business

This is my spotlight course to help you start your business and sign your first clients. It includes all the need-to-knows to start your digital service business. We’ll cover portfolios, proposals, discovery calls, finding clients, business legal set-up, contracts and finances. This is equivalent to what most VA courses offer: just the setup.

Value $297


Social Media Design

Graphic Design for Social Media with Aino Horsma

Perfect for anyone who hasn’t done graphic design or needs a boost of confidence. Six-figure Designer Aino Horsma shows you how to create graphics for social media and supporting documents, PDFs, etc.

Value $397


Your Data Tracking Lifeline with Ange Quinn

UTM & Marketing Campaign Tracking

Learn to track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and articulate your work value using UTM links and Google Analytics. Taught by Director Of Operations and master Google Dashboard Builder Ange Quinn. You'll get her template for tracking and creating UTM links to use in your client work.

Value $597


Calls That Convert with Tracie Patterson

Discovery Call Training

Banish the icky salesy feelings and ace discovery calls after this recorded 2-hour call with sales strategist Tracie Patterson. You’ll get to practice and perfect your sales conversion ... and book your next discovery call with confidence.

Value $597


Freedom From Fear Workshop with Jen Grosso

Confidence Training

Gain the neuroscience tactical tools for building unshakeable confidence in any circumstance during this recorded workshop session with High-Performance Coach Jen Grosso. This will help you stop those “feeling-like-a-fraud” moments and negative self-talk that can pop up when you’ve put yourself in new job situations… Like the one you’re about to start!

Value $1,000


Lawyer-Written Client Services Agreement

Client Services Agreement/Contract

Save the lawyer fees! I have a 6-page contract written by my lawyer to protect your scope of work and services rendered and have a plan when things go off the “Happy Path” with your clients. Use this template for hourly, retainer, or project clients and customize it for your needs.


Value $697

$6,682+ worth of extras to set you up for success and help you carve out your unique niche as a digital service provider!


The best part?

You can get access to ALL of this starting at just $167/month!


This comprehensive course will help you elevate your art from hobby to full-time career.


$167/ Month


  • All core lessons ($10,000)
  • Backend Business Building Homework ($1,500)
  • Contract ($697)
  • Portfolio Marketing Implementation Homework ($600)
  • Sales Call Coaching with Tracie PattersonRecorded ($1,194)
  • Confidence Workshop with Jen GrossoRecorded ($1,000)
  • Bonus material: graphic design, community management and UTM tracking ($1,191)
  • Lifetime access to this current version of the course
  • After completion: Exclusive invite to join the Digital Marketer's Workgroup with advanced training, peer support, and job leads

Value: $16,182





  • All core lessons ($10,000)
  • Backend Business Building Homework ($1,500)
  • Contract ($697)
  • Portfolio Marketing Implementation Homework ($600)
  • Sales Call Coaching with Tracie PattersonRecorded ($1,194)
  • Confidence Workshop with Jen GrossoRecorded ($1,000)
  • Bonus material: graphic design, community management and UTM tracking ($1,191)
  • Lifetime access to this current version of the course
  • After completion: Exclusive invite to join the Digital Marketer's Workgroup with advanced training, peer support, and job leads

Value: $16,182


Emily shares secrets that would take years to learn in the field!


“The course is very informative and thorough. Emily takes the time to include PDFs that got me going fast! Not only that, she was born to tackle the techie world.”

__Morgan Clapper, Digital Marketing Assistant

This program helps me serve my clients better!


The course gave me the tools to tackle any challenge or job clients throw my way. I know I can find the information from a reliable source and if I have questions I can come back to the group or trainings. UDMA School really gave me validation that I am serving my clients in the right way and helps me serve them even better with additional marketing services.”

__Susan Gilbert Digital Marketing Assistant

Hey, I’m Emily Reagan!

Unicorn herder, board game pro, margarita mixologist, introvert, and seasoned digital marketing specialist.

And when I say seasoned, I mean it. (13+ years, to be precise.)

(I've worked on teams for Jennifer Allwood, Wendy Batten, Tracey Bellion, Dixie Belle Paint Company, Sage Polaris, Rachel Mazza, Copy Chief, Megan Yelaney, Natasha Pherson, and more incredible leaders in the online space!)

For a long time, I’ve always felt that entrepreneurs needed an extra level of support in their business that virtual assistants were scratching the surface of.

After working with 102+ clients and supporting hundreds of digital marketing assistants, I now KNOW this to be true.

I've been booked out because I developed a skill set that was in demand and hard to find in one teammate.

That skill set includes getting a handle on all things tech, strategy, and marketing — the foundational components you’ll learn inside Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School. 

Every online business owner who comes my way is searching for the dream teammate who can wear as many hats as possible.⁠

These job leads come straight from:

  • Course creators
  • Membership site owners
  • Coaches
  • Influencers
  • Bloggers
  • Service providers
  • The occasional Brick & Mortar business


These solopreneurs need a jill-of-all-trades for that first hire when they’re moving their services and digital products online. They want help building funnels, marketing, and growing their audience.

If you’re anything like me, you possess that rare combination of strategizing *and* implementing — and that’s exactly what clients need.

You can see the WHY and the HOW behind every system and challenge, and that doesn't come easy.

But that’s not all that makes you special. 

Truthfully, I know you also care about doing more than a good job.

  • You care about FREEDOM and having a flexible schedule that lets you call the shots.
  • You care about feeling CHALLENGED AND stretching your brain creatively.
  • You care about FAMILY and spending quality time with your loved ones.


Bottom line: you care about putting yourself first in some way — for once — and you’re ready to do more than fill a slot on someone’s team.

You want to build a thriving career where you’ll be constantly challenged, appreciated, and profitable.

The skills, systems, and strategies you’ll learn inside this program can be the FRESH START to take you there.

If I’m being 100% honest, this is the course I wish I had 13 years ago! (It would have saved me TONS of time.)

If I had known how to put these services together linearly, what to charge for them, and how to build a business I would have had so much more money in the bank!

This course is made of in-the-trenches experience so you can take the shortcut to booking out, niching down, and charging more… 

And it’s brought to you by someone who does the work herself.

That means I’m IN this with you, and I’ve got your back.

I mean it when I say that you’re worthy of building something new for yourself, and I can’t wait to mentor you along the way!




P.S. These are the exact skills I use  to charge $3,000+ for one-time marketing projects and $1,297 for VIP Days

Buy Unicorn Digital Marketing Assistant School today and receive:

9 Core Modules with 26+ lessons covering high-level strategies and behind-the-scenes firsthand knowledge that will give you the time warp 

  • 15 Up-to-Date Tech Lessons of the most popular platforms that you can reference at any time as back-pocket tech support
  • Bonuses worth $3,782 to help you step into this DMA role with total confidence and sign the clients
  • Lifetime Access to learn at your pace and build your business as a side hustle or full-time career. 
  • Back-door invite to the Digital Marketer's Workgroup, my exclusive referral network for freelancer marketers (upon  completion of the course)


See what's inside:



All so you can step up immediately in the job title of Digital Marketing Assistant and put yourself in the hiring pool to work with businesses making 200k+ revenue from the comfort of your own home.



Why Ange (and many other hiring managers) hire digital marketing assistants from our unicorn workgroup first


“The one thing I look for when I hire a new VA is their ability to know platforms, strategies, and what's going on in the industry. Too often VAs don't know what they're doing. We want to hire a VA who has some experience and training, and training program to fall back on or great mentor to ask questions to. 

If you're thinking about taking Emily's course, she knows her stuff. She knows what's going on in the industry, she's worked with all the different platforms. She's an excellent mentor... There are courses that teach you how to build your own business as a VA but they don't supplement with training on how to do things. If you're coming in as a service provider and you're gonna do the doing, it's really important that you know how to do the doing...

You will get further by investing in yourself with this program and learning what you can do and provide to your clients. 

__Ange Quinn, Hiring Manager & Director of Operations of The Ops Builder

I never would have had the courage to just flat out offer digital marketing services after being a stay-at-home mom for 9 years!


“I now have four clients and I have a volunteer spot with my local food pantry keeping their website updated. This course was definitely a confidence booster and helped me realize how help out there is needed and how people are willing to pay for that help! This will be an exciting year!”

__Crystal Morissette, former industrial engineer, stay-at-home mom and digital marketing assistant

I left my 9-5, took my digital marketing skills to the next level and gained so much confidence!


“When I found UDMA School, I was a part-time VA offering email marketing services and working a 9-5. I was ready to take my business full time, but wanted to freshen up my skills and learn new ones first. 

This course was exactly what I needed! It took my email marketing skills to the next level, and now I’m offering other in-demand digital marketing services with the skills I learned. Because of the confidence, I gained from this course, I left my 9-5!

Emily’s vibrant energy in teaching the course made learning fun, and she gives you all the support you need throughout the entire experience!”

__Marci Sanders, former Project Consultant and current Email Marketing & Tech Specialist

Quick pulse check:

If you’re telling yourself, “I don’t know if I’m capable of doing this,” let’s get real.   

I’m a straight talker and I’m used to working backstage, so let’s tackle those lingering questions at the back of your brain!

“I only know admin services.”

>> If you consider yourself an administrative assistant, you are primed to go beyond with higher-paid managerial roles when you master marketing strategies and tech skills. You'll make yourself invaluable and be able to double your hourly rates. No 4-year marketing degree, certification or massive marketing experience required.


“I’m not qualified to break into the online space.”

>> If you consider yourself someone who has NO problem saying, “I can figure it out!” then the answer is YES. All you need is the drive, the time to absorb the content in this program, and the willingness to implement it. 


“I haven’t worked with ANY clients before. Can I really do this??”

>> Absolutely! The skill set you’ll acquire in UDMA School will help position you to be the perfect first hire for *any* client looking for an extra level of support. We will build on the skills you already possess. I'll teach you what services to offer and give you the roadmap to keep clients coming back for more task help. 


“Can I really create a consistent income doing this?”

>> 100% YES! This program is unique in that you’ll learn *all* about how to secure retainer hours with clients, which are key for consistency for new contractors. PLUS, you’ll be learning the essential skill set that sets you up to be an indispensable teammate, not just a one-and-done Fiverr contractor. 

The clients who Digital Marketing Assistants serve need a trusted teammate who can implement and oversee many systems and tasks in motion and grow with their business, which means you’ll be in this for the long run!

The only thing that you need to make this happen is simply taking ACTION.

Committing to this program, and following through.

Being willing and open to trying and learning new things, so you can serve incredible clients for years to come. 

And most importantly, believing in YOURSELF. You are capable, talented, and deserving of a lifestyle that supports you in *all* ways.

What do you say??


I just started the course and cannot believe all the jobs available!


“I’m so excited!!!! I have a discovery call scheduled with a potential client on Wednesday, and I’m only in unit one of the course!”

__Sharon Blosser, former nonprofit executive director and current digital marketing assistant

This is the ONLY program of its kind that offers:

The tracking tactics no other VA programs cover


You’ll wow your clients when you understand exactly how things like UTMs and SEO works — and how to keep tabs on their goals so that they’re always being met.

→ This program helps you become indispensable from the moment a client starts onboarding with you!

The EXACT tech tutorials you need


There are hundreds of courses out there teaching virtual assistants what clients require — but what you really need is the HOW. You won’t be fumbling around wondering what your next steps are, or exactly how to use THAT system or strategy.

→ This program is designed to support your detail-oriented brain and leave no room for unanswered questions!

The permission to be creative *and* lucrative


Becoming a Digital Marketing Assistant means that YOU get to choose your own special blend of skills — and it’s been a joy to watch all my unicorns infuse their personality into it. From charging a lucrative hourly rate to becoming Digital Marketing Coordinators, I’ve seen them do it all!

→ This program leverages your innate talent, drive, and ability to pick things up quickly to help you hit the ground running, YOUR way.

A blessing of unicorns genuinely invested in your success


Did you know that a group of unicorns is called a “blessing” because of their collective luck and good fortune? That’s what you’ll find in the unicorn community! Once you've completed your training, you'll be invited to apply for our Digital Marketer's Workgroup — a tight-knit referral & support community of other freelancers like you.

Looking for client advice? We got you. Want to bounce ideas, questions, or concerns around? We got you. Need advice on pricing? We got you. You won’t be in this alone — from the moment you join up you’ll have a network of genuine support. This is an exclusive membership with vetted freelancers for $47/month.

→ After you finish this training and set up you're business, you'll have a backdoor invite to  a member that surrounds you with a diverse group of people who just GET you, and want the best for you! 


Before you go any further, know that this is NOT for you if:

  • You’re desperate for a job right away. This industry doesn’t mean you create money overnight — it’ll require you to think through challenges, take the time to up your skill set, and partner with the right clients. 
  • You need a lot of accountability to implement. This program is for action takers, doers, and go-getters who are ready to hit the ground running!
  • You have zero job experience right now. You’re ideal for this program if you can lean on past experiences that got you to where you are now.

But it IS perfect for you if:

You’re ready to reclaim your identity. You want your life back! Whether you’ve had a baby break, feel stuck in your current job or want a fresh start, let’s make it happen.

You love helping others. (With your organized brain.) By nature, you’re the type of person who has family trips planned out on a spreadsheet and you were likely the person to do most of the work on group projects way back when. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re the first to volunteer to help at your kiddo’s school, either! This industry is all about helping others grow and learn, and working with leaders at the forefront of that will be second nature to you.

You’re usually the first to say “I’ll figure it out.” Problem-solving is just in your DNA, and you thrive on being constantly challenged.

You’re already an admin VA. And you’re ready to elevate your skill set so you can increase your value and variety of clients!

 You see your peers playing in the online space and you want IN. After this program, you’ll no longer feel like an outsider — and you’ll translate your current skill set, work experience, and creativity into something specialized online.

Fast forward  weeks from now, and
THIS could be your new reality:

Your Digital Marketing Assistant services are in demand… And you have the luxury of being selective of which clients you take on. 

You know your work is flexible enough… So that you can accommodate any changes to your personal life *without* sacrificing money.

Your clients often say that you’re “their secret weapon... And they just can’t run their business without you!

You love that every single day feels creatively challenging, and that you’re in the know when it comes to the latest tech, strategies and skills in your space


Bottom line?

All the cups finally feel full!

I landed my first client within two weeks… And three more soon after!


I will be forever grateful for Emily's guidance! I'm a lifelong entrepreneur and have successfully owned and operated my own brick-and-mortar businesses for over 20 years. I've also mentored and supported other entrepreneurs when starting their businesses and throughout their entrepreneurial journey — that’s why when I knew without hesitation that UDMA would be an answered prayer to learn from her so that I could learn exactly how to support business owners in a virtual capacity.

I was excited to develop the digital freelancing skills that many brick-and-mortar and online business owners needed! 

Emily's program is truly what successfully set me on my path to exceeding the goals I had set for myself.  Within the first two weeks of joining her program, I landed my first client. 

Her program gave me the confidence and knowledge to put myself out there and offer digital marketing services to potential clients within the first month of joining UDMA.

After the first client, I was immediately able to confidently schedule three more discovery calls and was given the opportunity to work with all three of them!  

I'm so grateful for all the opportunities I've gained from learning from Emily. She opened so many doors for me and showed me all the possibilities through UMDA!”  

__Adria Boyd, Brick and Mortar Business Owner now Director of Operations & Online Business Manager

I was able to quit teaching AND replace my income a year sooner than I thought.


“I had a goal when I started Emily’s Course to transition from teaching into working for myself from home as a digital marketing VA. My hope was to accomplish this by the end of the 20/21 school year. However, due to the utter fabulousness of all that I’ve learned and the job ops posted in this group, I am accomplishing that goal one year early!

I will get to work from home and have a flexible schedule, which will allow me more time with my husband and three sweet kiddos. I am thrilled beyond words - and as grateful as I can be!! We unicorns are pretty magical. 🦄 🥰

__Marilee Haynes, former teacher, current copywriter at 5H Copywriting



Angela used her digital marketing skills to start a business where she could travel more


“I was feeling stuck with the business I had created. The course helped me make the transition from the business I had to the business I wanted to grow. The individual trainings inside the course were awesome because they gave me confidence to jump into areas I wasn’t familiar with yet. Since taking the course, I’ve signed several clients and I love the variety and freedom!”

__Angela Kiszck, digital creator, and 10-year e-commerce site owner

I’ve gotten 90% of my clients from Emily!


“And I could apply for new jobs DAILY. I currently have four proposals out to potential clients that I’m waiting to hear back from, I have three more discovery calls this week, all from her amazing job opps. And these are just what have come to me THIS MONTH!”

__Tracey Anne, Owner of The Digital Goddess, branding and marketing

I'm ready to join, Emily!


special summer self-paced prices now through midnight July 3, 2024. Your 25% off coupon applies at checkout




  • All core lessons ($10,000)
  • Backend Business Building Homework ($1,500)
  • Contract ($697)
  • Portfolio Marketing Implementation Homework ($600)
  • Sales Call Coaching with Tracie PattersonRecorded ($1,194)
  • Confidence Workshop with Jen GrossoRecorded ($1,000)
  • Bonus material: graphic design, community management and UTM tracking ($1,191)
  • Lifetime access to this current version of the course
  • After completion: Exclusive invite to join the Digital Marketer's Workgroup with advanced training, peer support, and job leads

Value: $16,182





  • All core lessons ($10,000)
  • Backend Business Building Homework ($1,500)
  • Contract ($697)
  • Portfolio Marketing Implementation Homework ($600)
  • Sales Call Coaching with Tracie PattersonRecorded ($1,194)
  • Confidence Workshop with Jen GrossoRecorded ($1,000)
  • Bonus material: graphic design, community management and UTM tracking ($1,191)
  • Lifetime access to this current version of the course
  • After completion: Exclusive invite to join the Digital Marketer's Workgroup with advanced training, peer support, and job leads

Value: $16,182


I have new, established clients AND the added confidence I needed to believe in the skills I already had to support other business owners!


“Emily’s course helped sharpen my existing skills and also taught me new ones. Wanting to take charge of my career journey has always been in the back of my mind, but I just needed the encouragement to actually take ownership of it! 

Since completing UDMA, I confidently offer my services to others and have established new clients who appreciate the value I bring.

I already miss the homework and our weekly lessons! The layout of the coursework and the walk-through each week brought so much excitement and clarity to what I was learning. To be in a network with like-minded people all yearning to LEARN was a wonderful experience that I can’t speak highly enough about!”

__Jennifer Scherzinger, Hospice Liaison, now Digital Marketing Assistant

I covered my cost by the time I finished — and I freaking LOVE the work I’m doing!


“I was so inspired by Emily’s podcast that after consuming a handful of episodes, I jumped right into podcast assisting for a friend of mine using my past business experience. That first month I made around $250 — and the next month I joined Emily’s course. After that, my confidence grew each week right along with my income!

I kept working my usual job, but added assisting work here and there in my downtime and worked from home a lot. I doubled my income in March and tripled it in April! At the same time I completed her course, I had made just over $3000 as a freelancer. It covered my cost for the course and today, I freaking love the work I’m doing and the really cool opportunities it has opened up for me in my life!”

__Andréa Pettingill, nail salon owner, current digital marketing specialist